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ADOX CHS 100 II 120 Film

ADOX CHS 100 II 120 Film

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CHS 100 II is an orthopanchromatic ISO100 black and white 35mm film with reduced red sensitivity and a sensitivity gap in the blue/green area. These characteristics combine to create a film which renders skies with better cloud contrast as well as balanced skin tones. Two emulsions are coated on a PET base which has two anti-halation layers to improve sharpness. Overall, it's designed to give a classic 1960's film look to photographs with enhanced greyscale. PET films are subject to light piping, load in subdued light.


Name: ADOX CHS 100 II 
 Black and white (negative)
Native ISO:
35mm DX Coded: 
Spectral sensitivity:
Normal Process: 
Cross Process: BW reversal
Push process: 
Exposure latitude:
 ±1/2 stop
Verified Manufacturer:

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