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Rachidi Bissiriou: Gloire Immortelle
Rachidi Bissiriou: Gloire Immortelle
In 1968, the West African photographer Rachidi Bissiriou set up his photographic studio, Studio Plaisir, in his hometown of Kétou in Benin, which he operated until its closure in 2004. The timing of this was conspicuous – Bissiriou was only 18 and Benin had only declared its independence from French rule eight years earlier, in 1960. Armed with a Yashica twin-lens camera, Bissiriou documented these heady times, spending the next three decades shooting black and white photographs of the locals in a standard 6x6cm format.
While traditional portraits from these times often showcased their subjects unsmiling and with a rigid formality, Bissiriou’s images are remarkable for their simplicity and a
For Bissiriou, the desire to become a photographer was in his own words, 'because someone who is a photographer has the freedom to go anywhere and everywhere.' While the primary focus of his nearly three decades of photography were the residents and families of his hometown, the images are no less transportive, instantly painting a vivid picture of West African society during a ground-breaking moment of transformation.
Gloire Immortelle is released to coincide with an exhibition curated by Carrie Scott and David Hill at David Hill Gallery, London, which will be on until 21 October 2022.
Title: Gloire Immortelle
Publisher: Stanley Barker, 2022
Photographer: Rachidi Bissiriou
Format: Singer Sewn Paperback
Size: 20 x 21 cm
ISBN: 9781913288464